Photo by Jigsaw Organizing Solutions
There are some really interesting statistics about people and their relationships to clothing. One from 2013 states that people only wear about 20% of what’s in their closet regularly (according to the Chief Design Officer for California Closets, interviewed in the Wall Street Journal), and the other states that the average person in the UK has about $300 worth of unworn clothing collecting dust in their closet (according to Martha Stewart)! Unfortunately most of these studies have been conducted in areas outside of Canada, but I think that they hold true everywhere, based on what I’ve seen in people’s homes.
A Capsule Wardrobe is a great reaction to these statistics, as a way to take back ownership of your clothing and your closet.
What is a Capsule Wardrobe? It is a carefully curated collection of clothing that is comprised of pieces that are easily interchangeable, and have multiple functions. Basically it allows you to maximize your outfits with the least amount of clothing.
Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash
50-60 years ago there wasn’t the need for this, as clothing used to be made well, and made to last. Nowadays, most clothing is made cheaply, quickly, and there are new trends coming out every week to replaced the clothing that has worn out after being used for a month. The quality of clothing has severely diminished, as if it is made to be disposable and easily replaceable.
We are also being bombarded by advertisements all the time, screaming at us to buy this new piece of clothing lest we become unfashionable! There is so much pressure to look a certain way, and it’s hard to know what to do to best serve YOU.
Capsule Wardrobes have many benefits:
- You can make the most of your space (especially if you live in a small apartment or a tiny home)
- You can reduce your environmental impact
- You will shop for clothing less – which means less time spent in stores making purchases, trying on clothing, and making returns
- You will have less decision fatigue when it’s time to get ready in the morning
- You will make less purchases, which allows you to afford well-made and more curated items
- You will have less clothing to clutter up your space!
Photo by Jigsaw Organizing Solutions
Before you start converting your closet into a Capsule Wardrobe, you will need to decide what your “look” will be. Pick out a few of your favourite pieces and base your “look” around them. Maybe it will be the style, colour, cut or type of fabric that really influences your decisions.
Also, keep your “why” in mind to keep yourself motivated. Figure out how much space you have in your small home or apartment to store your items, and use that as a frame of reference for how many items you can keep.
How to get started:
1. Go through your closet and DECLUTTER!
- Donate, sell, host a clothing swap, and textile recycle items that don’t make the cut
- Automatically get rid of anything that doesn’t fit, that you don’t like to wear or keep picking over, are duplicates of something very similar, or that are stained/damaged beyond repair
- Sort out the remainder of your clothing into categories (bottoms, tees/tanks, tops/blouses, sweaters, jumpsuits/dresses, coats/jackets)
2. Choose your core capsule pieces
- These will be your go-to clothing pieces, your favourites
- Look for quality, functionality and versatility
- Quality:
o Items that are well-made (stitching, durable fabric), and that have already lasted a few years and several washes without any ill-effects
- Functionality:
o The item’s fabric, weight, physical attributes (length, silhouette, sleeve style), how easy it is to clean
o You want items that fit you will and that fits your current lifestyle (maybe you used to work in an office, but now you mostly work from home – your wardrobe should reflect that!)
- Versatility:
o You want clothing that easily pairs with other clothes, can be easily style in different ways, and can be worn in different contexts
Photo by Jigsaw Organizing Solutions
o Consider how easy it is to mix/match with other pieces, colours, and patterns – and whether you can wear this at different events and in different seasons
o Remember, your wardrobe doesn’t need to be black/white/beige – do what works within YOUR style and tastes. If you love the look of mixed patterns, go for it!
Some further tips for inspiration:
- For items that you are really unsure of (if you have the time and space), put those clothes away into bags or bins, out of the way, and wait 30 or 60 days to donate them – just to make sure you don’t have regrets about specific pieces
- Embrace the fact that people will notice you wearing the same pieces in different ways – it gives you an opportunity to tell them about what you’re doing and encourage them to do the same!
- Try renting clothing or doing clothing swaps to keep things fresh (especially if you get bored of the same clothes easily)
- Only keep items that you love and know you will wear – pass by any item that is a “maybe”
- Allow yourself to let go of clothing that you spent a lot of money on. That was money you spent in the past, and you are doing this for your future. Let it go. Your clothing donation will help someone else!
If you ever need assistance with decluttering your closet (or any other area of your home) reach out to me! I would love to help you out.
Did you know that I have been selected as one of the Top 15 Canadian Organizing Blogs?! I am so honoured to have been selected!
Check it out here: